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Jerrell's Status
Why would you speak to me that way, especially when I always said that I, haven't got the words for you, all your diction dripping with disdain, through the pain, I always tell the truth
Jun 16, 2011comment
I gota be honest, I do not want to be at work today :D Ca y'es, j'vais etre honete, ca m'tente pas ben ben d'etre la a job aujourdhui :D
Jun 16, 2011comment
I can't seem to think of anything to put into status today....I'll think of something a little later. What? I can't be on the ball the time ;) Ouais ben, j'ai rien a dire ce matin, on verra plus tard comment ca va ;)
Jun 16, 2011comment
Yay for hump day, game 7, go Canucks go :) Deja Mercredi, la journee du baisser, aller Vancouver, on termine sa ce soire :)
Jun 15, 2011comment
Have a great night fu-bies, I'll see you in the morning for hump day :P Bonne soiree les fu-bies, j'vous vois demain matin :P
Jun 14, 2011comment
See what I can do today, on and off, I'll get you back if you like/rate and comment :) On va voire s'que j'peut faire, ici et la, j'te paye une visite si tu passe par la :)
Jun 14, 2011comment
Go Canucks go, game 6, we take the cup tonight! Have a great night all :) Bon, 6ieme match, on prend la coup ce soir, bonne soiree :)
Jun 13, 2011comment
If I drank as much coffee as I did wine over the weekend, I still don't think it would make me feel ready for Monday :P Voila, un besoin de cafe qui remplace le vin d'la fin de semaine :P
Jun 13, 2011comment
Was here for a few sec, see you tomorrow :) Bon ben, voila j'etais la pour quelque sec puis deja parti, a demain :)
Jun 12, 2011comment
Off to enjoy the game, go Canucks go! ..might be away until Monday, see what I can do :D Voila, j'suis peut etre pas la avant Lundi, a plus :D
Jun 10, 2011comment
Well it's about dang time Friday got here! Y etais temp que t'arrive deja Vendredi!
Jun 10, 2011comment
Thursday was a write off...maybe I'll get some work done tomorrow :P Jeudi, c'est d'la merde...peut etre un peut de travaille demain, on verra ben :P
Jun 9, 2011comment
hmmmm let's see who's reading. 3 creds to kill. first 3 to comment get a 1 cred bling...yeah, guess I'm feeling nice today...post bling you want in comment, or its next in line :P
Jun 9, 2011comment
hmmmm let's see who's reading. 4 creds to kill. first 4 to comment get a 1 cred bling...yeah, guess I'm feeling nice today...post bling you want in comment, or its next in line :P
Jun 9, 2011comment
I'd be a lot happier if this was Friday :) Ouias ben, si seulement on etais Vendredi :)
Jun 9, 2011comment
Still no abilities? How much more time does fubar expect to take from my...um...busy work schedule? mhuaz :P Pas d'abiliter encore? Combien de temps qui faut, d'la job :P
Jun 8, 2011comment
Here and there, stop in and I'll get back to you :) Ici et par la, si tu passe par icitte, j'te ratrappe plus tard :)
Jun 7, 2011comment
I guess Monday didn't turn out so bad after all :D Let's see what Tuesday brings ;) Ouais ben, lundi, c'etait pas trop pire :D On verra ben s'que mardi va apporter ;)
Jun 6, 2011comment
I buy you bling for 12 credits IF you credit someone for me a 12 blingpack - let's make a deal!
Jun 6, 2011comment
I'm wondering if there is a big enough bucket of coffee to get me started somewhere today...yay Monday :) J'crois pas que j'trouverais un cafe assez gros pour commencer mon lundi :)
Jun 6, 2011comment
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