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Sabrina's Status
This redhead is a NEED not a convienence.....when you feel like it SORRY....Just saying....
Feb 7, 2015comment
WoW what a week just glad that I am on days off...I hope all of you are having a wonderful week.
Jan 22, 2015comment
I hope that this week will go by fast I am exhausted already and its only Monday....Monday madness ya'll.....enjoy
Jan 19, 2015comment
I would like to take this moment to wish everyone a very merry Christmas..... I hope it's a most beautiful day.
Dec 24, 2014comment
All I want for Christmas is a big cow elk this week.
Dec 8, 2014comment
Happy Thanksgiving to all family and friends......I hope you all have a most wonderful day.
Nov 27, 2014comment
no feeling better then days off and not doing a damn thing
Nov 19, 2014comment
thank you each and every man, woman who have served and who us serving our country..... enjoy the day all for you on this veteran day....
Nov 11, 2014comment
If she was a drink She'd be a single-barrelled Bourbon on ice Smooth with a kick A chill and a burn all At the same time
Nov 5, 2014comment
I am just a girl...
Oct 31, 2014comment
Thursday which means back to work tomorrow.....just have to say not to bad of days off....got the hunt on....house cleaned and now get to relax and do nothing....yep gonna be lazy.....cheers to all
Oct 30, 2014comment
Tuesday means my Friday....can not freaking wait....all bout hunting tomorrow. Can not wait need a break and to be able to shoot something
Oct 28, 2014comment
Monday....only thing good bout this day.....it is a star of a new week...kinda like a redo for certain things but then again MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL....also I get to wear my jersey.
Oct 27, 2014comment
Ibring on some football.....to bad I am working but I will still be watching games.....
Oct 26, 2014comment
I love being able to chill at home and Nit move for at least a hour. but I know have to get to go to work in a couple hours.
Oct 26, 2014comment
Thank Gawd I get two days off in a row......bout damn time!
Oct 22, 2014comment
Such a awesome day today felt lots better then I did yesterday. work was good and now I am gonna get ready for another day....Hope its just as good.
Oct 20, 2014comment
nothing like out shooting the bow and all of a sudden you get bow bit when something hopped out of the bush and scared the crap out of ya.....needless to say my arm is goin to be pretty tomorrow
Oct 17, 2014comment
sure could use a trip to Hawaii.... need some tropical time.
Oct 16, 2014comment
Well I hope everyone has a beautiful week....right now I don't now how mine is goin to go so far....uggggg
Oct 13, 2014comment
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